General Insanity: Former Army Officer Launches Salvo Against Islam And First Amendment
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 15, 2011 at 01:59:28 PM EST
Longtime readers of this blog might remember William "Jerry" Boykin, an Army general who in 2003 sparked controversy for giving speeches to fundamentalist Christian audiences during which he asserted, among other things, that Muslims worship idols and that the real enemy of America is not Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein but Satan.

In a 2003 appearance in Oregon, Boykin unleashed this gem: Islamic extremists hate the U.S., he said, "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundations and our roots are Judeo-Christian."

In another speech, Boykin recalled how he captured an Islamic warlord in Somalia because "I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol."

Things got so bad that the White House had to issue a "global message" to Muslim nations letting them know that Boykin wasn't speaking for the American government during these appearances. This was a little hard to do since the man served as deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence at the Pentagon and was often in uniform when the spoke at fundamentalist churches.

Eight years have passed. What's Boykin up to now?

Well, the good news is that he retired and is no longer with the Army. The bad news is, he's as extreme as ever.

Boykin has been making the rounds on the far-right rubber-chicken circuit, joining the growing chorus of Islam-bashers who made a nice living spreading horror stories about the coming imposition of sharia law in America.

In a recent column published online, Boykin questions "whether or how the First Amendment should properly be applied to Islam" and asserts that "the ultimate outcome of blanket protection for Islam in all its manifestations on the grounds of `religious freedom' would be the establishment of Islamic law and government, or Sharia, alongside or in place of civil law and government in this country."

I'd like to assure Boykin that there are at least two obstacles to this nefarious Muslim takeover. One is the First Amendment. Properly interpreted by the courts, it protects us from any form of religion-based law.

The second factor is there just aren't that many Muslims in America. It's true that the Pew Forum reported recently that the American Muslim population is expected to double by 2030 - but even then it will still account for only 1.7 percent of the population. With numbers like that, I doubt they're going to be able to force women  into burqas and require men to grow beards - especially since not all Muslims believe men and women should even do those things.

What really irks me about Boykin is that he had the nerve to invoke the separation of church and state in his latest anti-Islam tirade. He complained that Muslims don't recognize that principle.

I've got some news for you, Jerry: Neither do you. Boykin for years ranted and raved about how our great Christian nation was going to launch a new crusade against the Muslim hordes. That suggests he isn't really interested in church-state separation.

I'm sure he'd gladly impose his own narrow understanding of Christianity on the rest of us through government action. He's merely using a great constitutional principle as yet another club for his Muslim bashing.

When I hear Boykin and people like him talk about how we need to curb religious freedom for Muslims (or any other group), I can only shudder. What they are proposing is that we trash religious freedom in order to save it and that the best way to preserve our Constitution is to shred it.

It's appalling, and we shouldn't let him get away with it.

Islam is the religion of at least 1 billion people in the world. Some of them are violent extremists, but the vast majority of that faith's members are not. Tarring everyone with the same brush, spreading hate and division and proposing new witch-hunts is simplistic. It also mocks the values of our Constitution.

We've been down this road before. It is a dangerous place to be.

In the 19th century, we looked with suspicion upon immigrants from certain nations because they spoke foreign tongues, belonged to the "wrong" religions and had their own customs. Laws were passed to keep them out. During World War II, we put Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps merely because of their background. In the 1950s, many people lost their jobs and had their lives ruined because of political beliefs they may have once held or gatherings they might have attended.  

The lesson of history is crystal clear: Looking for new enemies to demonize isn't the answer. So what is the answer? Let's try this: Instead of trashing our Constitution and proposing that the rights in it shouldn't apply to certain Americans, let's cling to its values all the tighter - and make certain that all Americans are under its protection.

P.S. Kyle Mantyla at PFAW's Right-Wing Watch reports that Boykin's speeches about the Obama administration are increasingly insane. In one television appearance, Boykin asserted that Obama is planning a "Marxist insurgency" backed by a secret military force "that would control the population in America." According to Boykin, the health-care bill is part of this plot. It's alarming to me that a crank like Boykin was ever in a position of authority in our military.

American Indians should be in the list of historic lessons.  A historic lesson that started 500 years ago and continues to this day (especially when you talk about Pentecostals or Dominionists or Fundamentalists).

We had to get a federal law passed before most of us had freedom of religion... and that happened in 1979.  (Repeal of the Trail of Tears laws happened over the next few years.)

The biggest complaints about it came from the dominionists.  We were being given "special privileges".  We were all going to get high on Peyote (unknown to most Native groups).  We were going to practice all sorts of horrible things.  We were a threat to Christianity and evidence that the hated "LIBRULS!!!" were trying to destroy the country by debasing public morals.  Although I didn't know about my heritage at the time, I remember some of the things that were said.

Since when was being able to practice your religion freely (and nothing in my tribe's ceremonies would be considered extreme to most Christians) a special privilege?

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Feb 15, 2011 at 02:15:16 PM EST

I previously posted a transcript and link to Boykin's "Marxism in America" on Talk2action.

Boykin is one of the board of directors of the Oak Initiative, a relatively new Religious Right organization based at MorningStar Ministries, which produced and promoted the six minute video.  Boykin is also a regular on the end times prophecy circuit and claims that a sign that the end is near is that Christians are the victims of unprecedented persecution.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Wed Feb 16, 2011 at 01:44:45 AM EST

The scare tactic of claiming Obama's talk of a volunteer "army" was used mere hours after his speech, so Boykin is just using that old canard to explain his insane conspiracy theory.

The "persecution" BS is another retread used by the religious right to claim victim-hood, which has proven extremely successful in prying dollars from the believers' wallets. As an excellent article in RD said, it's the being a "victim" rather than just the criminal acts and forgiveness that is so powerful in persuading Conservative Christians that the person is worthy of their support.

Boykin is a despicable character, but I wonder how many other, less-obvious Christian Nationalists do we have as commanding officers in our military today? This fear is what drives me to monthly donations to MRFF. I see only bad things coming from this plague of religious locusts who have descended on the ranks of soldiers.

by trog69 on Fri Feb 18, 2011 at 04:13:24 PM EST

Your comment "it's the being a "victim" rather than just the criminal acts and forgiveness that is so powerful in persuading Conservative Christians that the person is worthy of their support" is startling, if that is the case.

The whole time I was in the Assemblies and from every conservative afterward, any time someone mentioned having a hard time or having suffered as a victim of crime (or discrimination or whatever), the speaker would always clobber the other with "Don't be a victim!!!!"  It wasn't meant as "Don't let anyone victimize you" but what was being said was "Don't complain about it and it is shameful that you allowed that to happen" (or worse yet, "you brought on yourself!").  If you didn't instantly shut up, they would really start the blame game.

Oh, that's right... it's being a pseudo-victim of "Persecuted for being Christian" (Read: being told to keep one's religion to one's self or "NO!" while proselytizing and forcing their religion on others) that causes one to be worthy of support.

I'm beginning to wonder how we can best deal with these jerks.  American culture just keeps giving them a pass, no matter how violent and hostile they get.

by ArchaeoBob on Fri Feb 18, 2011 at 06:55:47 PM EST

Boykin is hardly a singular occurrence in the military, but he certainly did use his uniform [read: costume] and rank to hoodwink those in the ranks beneath him. I once asked my second cousin's husband, then a Chaplain at a naval base near NorthEast, MD, how he [& others] could "get away with" essentially using Pentecostal materials for Sunday school at the base chapel and being sectarian as hell from the chapel's pulpit. His answer? "You can do anything you wish, if you have the confidence of your base commanding officer." So, if your base commander was a fundamentalist, he'd welcome your being that also and give carte blanche approval in advance & dismiss any or all complaints that came his way, if they came his way. This chaplain was a Lt. Commander then and retired with rank of Captain to live in Florida and menace the locals.

Fact is that the rank & file inductees into our voluntary military, including the Non-coms who would be otherwise unemployed, provide a willing audience and expection of far religious right propoganda. Just look at the deplorable situation at the Air Force Academy, with all the chronicled violations and toothless penalties, that hardly give a wristslap to the infringements against religionless cadets or even teaching staff who are not fundies. We have been fighting that battle for a decade now and it lives on like the Energizer Bunny! The Academy Commander from the first expose of that site said it'd take 10 years to root out all of the polluters, short of closing the place for the cleanup necessary. A decade down the road and the site was never closed, we face the same medicine that was not given in the first or initial case: disgraceful. But here we are in the lurch again, as before, and the bull is not being taken by the horns. How can you support an all-volunteer military when it's a hotbed of religious infringement from the religious right?

by achbird65 on Mon Feb 21, 2011 at 01:43:13 PM EST

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